Posts 33
- Τιμολόγια παρόχων ενέργειας στο Home Assistant
- Bresser weather station in Home Assistant
- Switch terminal theme based on location day/night
- Abort Capistrano deploy with unpushed Git commits
- Online service for converting Greek to Greeklish
- DIY throttle function in JavaScript
- GoToCoordinates component for React Leaflet
- MouseCoordinates component for React Leaflet
- BingTileLayer component for React Leaflet
- ZoomControlWithReset component for React Leaflet
- Download your activities from Garmin Connect
- Strip Exif metadata from images in Rails
- Convert Greek to Greeklish in Ruby with greeklish_iso843
- Web server from scratch in Go
- DIY Pomodoro with cron
- Painless PostgreSQL backups to Amazon S3
- DIY email validation in Rails
- DIY method memoization in Ruby
- /username URLs in Rails
- Beautiful system fonts in Debian
- A simple access log middleware for Koa.js
- Pass data between middleware in Koa.js
- A better way to fetch and render records with "load more"
- Add support for modification times in Gatsby
- Add support for drafts in Gatsby
- Render React components from Rails views
- What I look for in software engineering candidates
- More fun with custom React Hooks
- Wrapping my head around React's useRef
- Custom React hook to prevent window unload
- Install the latest Firefox securely in Debian
- Γράφοντας ελληνικά αποδοτικά στον Vim
- Low battery notification in i3wm