Angelos Orfanakos

Posts 33

  1. Τιμολόγια παρόχων ενέργειας στο Home Assistant


  2. Bresser weather station in Home Assistant

  3. Switch terminal theme based on location day/night

  4. Abort Capistrano deploy with unpushed Git commits

  5. Online service for converting Greek to Greeklish

  6. DIY throttle function in JavaScript

  7. GoToCoordinates component for React Leaflet

  8. MouseCoordinates component for React Leaflet

  9. BingTileLayer component for React Leaflet

  10. ZoomControlWithReset component for React Leaflet

  11. Download your activities from Garmin Connect

  12. Strip Exif metadata from images in Rails

  13. Convert Greek to Greeklish in Ruby with greeklish_iso843

  14. Web server from scratch in Go

  15. DIY Pomodoro with cron

  16. Painless PostgreSQL backups to Amazon S3

  17. DIY email validation in Rails

  18. DIY method memoization in Ruby

  19. /username URLs in Rails

  20. Beautiful system fonts in Debian

  21. A simple access log middleware for Koa.js

  22. Pass data between middleware in Koa.js

  23. A better way to fetch and render records with "load more"

  24. Add support for modification times in Gatsby

  25. Add support for drafts in Gatsby

  26. Render React components from Rails views

  27. What I look for in software engineering candidates

  28. More fun with custom React Hooks

  29. Wrapping my head around React's useRef

  30. Custom React hook to prevent window unload

  31. Install the latest Firefox securely in Debian

  32. Γράφοντας ελληνικά αποδοτικά στον Vim


  33. Low battery notification in i3wm