Wrapping my head around React's useRef
While learning about React Hooks, I had a hard time understanding the case for useRef. Then I ran into this:
is essentially useState({ current: initialValue })[0]
useState returns an array where the first element is the state and the
second is its setter. [0]
means the setter is discarded.
This is useful in cases where we want to persist state between renders and
modify it without triggering a render (contrary to useState
). It works
because the state (an object) is modified directly (i.e. myRef.current = 42
and not through its setter (which triggers the render).
That’s also why the returned state is { current: initialValue }
(an object)
and not just initialValue
(a primitive value). Without a setter, it’s not
possible to modify it:
// State is a primitive value
let name = useState('Angelos')[0]; // Discard setter method
// name === 'Angelos'
name = 'John'; // This just modifies the local variable "name"
// State is a reference to an object
const nameRef = useState({ current: 'Angelos' })[0]; // Discard setter method
// nameRef.current === 'Angelos'
nameRef.current = 'John'; // This modifies the object's "current" property